Paid Clinical Trials in North Carolina

Before medication becomes available for general use, it undergoes a series of clinical trials. In North Carolina, clinical research makes it possible for new treatments, drugs, medical devices, and other innovations to hit the market. 

Every contribution helps pave the way for the next generation of medical research and discoveries. 

Clinical Trials For Disease Areas in North Carolina

Research teams have years of experience and conduct a wide range of studies. Trials are meant to serve the Carolina community and the globe. The clinical research industry is a fast-growing field. It contributes over $1 billion to the economy of North Carolina. 

Trials encompass diverse disease areas that redefine treatment strategies. From studying innovative solutions for infectious diseases, neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and beyond.

For example, Pfizer made a strategic move to invest in North Carolina’s biomanufacturing and gene therapy expertise to prepare for a new paradigm in disease treatment, diagnosis, and prevention. The company is growing its gene therapy initiative, pouring $19 million into a Durham site.

Here is a list of future and current trials in the NC area.

Clinical research helps take medical knowledge to new heights. The data collected can help address various issues regarding dosage recommendations, disease complications, drug interactions, and more. 

Paid clinical trials in North Carolina provide a financial gain for those who participate. NC paid clinical trials also offer reimbursements that can help cover the cost of travel, overnight stays, and other associated expenses. 

Clinical Trials For Health Volunteers in North Carolina

Health volunteers are an invaluable asset to the North Carolina research teams. Their real-life experience and data help study various diseases, test innovative treatments, and advance medical knowledge. 

If you want to enroll in a clinical trial near you, check the list below.

Medical Discoveries and Innovation in North Carolina

North Carolina has a dynamic research landscape. In this state, many renowned facilities have taken part in revolutionizing medical practices and patient care. Here are some of the most notable advances in the region. 

  • Gene therapy advancements: North Carolina is a pioneer in gene therapy research. The state’s experts are driving innovations that could revolutionize disease treatment by targeting genetic factors at their source. 
  • Cancer immunotherapy initiatives: UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center brought revolutionary cancer therapy to the community of North Carolina. Known as T-cell immunotherapy, the treatment has shown remarkable progress for those who didn’t respond to standard treatment. 
  • Pediatric Healthcare Enhancements: North Carolina’s medical community is driving pediatric healthcare advancements. The main goal is to improve the system of care for children with complicated health issues. 

Why North Carolina Is A Great Place For Clinical Research 

People can experience the same illness differently. Clinical research in North Carolina collects diverse data to accommodate the needs of a variety of patients with different ethnicity, sex, age, and sexual orientation. 

NC has a very diverse population. About 61.9% of its residents are White, 21.3% are Black, 10.2% are Hispanic, 3.3% are Asian, 2.1% are multiracial, and 1.1% are American Indian.